A lot of people ask me to teach them name painting, and it's a lot harder than it looks. I have about 20 years of art experience, and when I was learning name painting at Disneyland 5 years ago - It was hard for even me!
I know that you have a busy schedule, and may not be able to dedicate that much time to learning this craft. You have other things to do... I get it. I created this course so that even if you have a busy schedule, you may be able to learn this skill.
Honestly, I haven't spent much time on the sales page. But I have spent a lot of time on making the course.
I'm going to spend more time persuading you NOT to take the course, over taking the course.
Please go read the course syllabus and perform the activity pre-requisite course video below before purchasing the course.
Your Instructor
I'll write a better bio later. I'm a good artist and passionate teacher. I'm a bit of a hard-ass - but it's because I want to bring out the full potential each of my students.
Course Curriculum
StartFollow-Along Worksheets
StartLesson 1: Strokes - The Easy Stuff (8:32)
StartLesson 2: Shapes - The Building Blocks (14:42)
StartLesson 3: Mermaids and Princesses - This is getting fun! (11:33)
StartLesson 4: Your First Mini-Name - This is getting harder! (15:31)
StartLesson 5: A FULL NAME - Final Project!! (21:08)